Wednesday, June 27, 2012

HaPPy BeSdAy My LiL' DaRliNg

How time flieskan...From a tiny-mini little pre-mat born baby girl, weighing around 2.7 kg (consider besarlah juga for a pre-mat baby), she turns 6 yrs old today. Happy Besday my besday gegirl ...mummy and kak yaya will always love you...muah...muah...muah. For this year, Alea asked for two besday cakes, one, to be decorated with her fav cartoon, BoBoiBoy and the gang and the other other one, a simple plain chocs indulgence from Secret Recipe. Goodies for her Smart Readers' frens pula only her fav chocs, no need all those fancy mancy toys. Why she asked for two cakes? As simple as this because the one with Boboi is for blowing candles purposes sebab sayang nak potong and the other one untuk makan2 with frens. Pandaikan anak dara I ni. Macam tahun2 sebelumnya, besday disambut di sekolah jer, senang and dah confirm semua kawan2 ada and paling penting si kechik happy. Oklah, for besday present pula, as usual mummy will take her to Toys R Us and she will choose whatever she wants, regardless what the price will be. And from papa pulak, si kechik akan dibawa for a day trip to Singapore Universal Studio ... fuyooo, first class treatment from papa. So untuk Alea, sekali lagi, "Happy Besday sayang lilttle darling from all of us ... we love u thousand2 milion2 times, forever and ever....cupppp...cupppp".

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