Kesian anak dara I, seminggu dok practice non-stop for her "Arabian Nite" concert, sampai serak2lah suara, last2 sekali concert tu yang sepatutnya diadakan malam ni, kena called off due to the H1N1 pandemic. Masuk ni dah dua kali kena postponed. Sepatutnya awal Ogos, then brought forward to tonite tapi nak buat camner, daripada merebak tak tentu pasal, baik called off awal2. According to Soraya, ada tiga ke empat orang kat sekolah dia yang dah contracted to H1N1 so hari ni, dia tak gi sekolahlah. "Many of my friends cried mummy when they heard the announcement saying that the concert tak jadi. Ashley told me when she went to the toilet, she saw many other girls crying. I also cried". I tahu Soraya was so dissapointed so I cakap kat dia nicely, "Alah, relaxlah kakak, I'm sure, there will be on on another date, you have to understand that these H1N1 is very dangerous, it can spread so quickly, imagine mummy, papa, adek and all the other parents inside one hall, nanti tak pasal2 semua dapat. I do not want that to happen to my family especially you and adek".
Sampai time nak tidorpun, Soraya tak abih2 cakap pasal concert dia tu sampai si adik Alea bising2 ,"Mamee, Yaya ... diddo ... mamee, Yaya.... diddo (mummy, yaya, tidorlah). Masa tu dah pukul 12 pm lebih. "I cannot sleeplah mummy, just now I sleep from 3.30pm to 6.30pm". Memangpun, kalau I jadi Sorayapun tentu I frust jugak. "You know, I already buy black shoes for the concert. How eeer mummy, my friend Maxine want to change school to government school, so later when she is already at the new school, she cannot act in the concert. How eer mummy"?" "I'm sure your school will reconsider sebab diapun dah spent a lot for the costumes right, you don't worrylah, she will be therelah in the concert".
Every year sekolah anak dara I buat konsert besar2an, kena bayar lagi RM10 each to those parents yang nak attend. Last year Soraya punya konsert titled "Mulan", dia pegang tanglung, sebijik macam anak Jepun and this year she is in the choir team. I tahu sebab tetiap malam dok practice ngan "nottie" girl I dalam bilik I depan cermin, melalak2 nyanyi lagu Alladin ...."a whole new world ... I can show you the world; shining, shimeering, splendid; tell me, princess, now when did; you last let your heard decide ..... A whole new world ....
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